Plumbing Challenges to Expect During the Winter

Though winter is sometimes a welcomed change to the summer heat, it does bring a bit of a challenge to the plumbing systems of our homes. Any wise homeowner does their best to ensure that their home is prepared for any challenges that come their way. As the leading plumbers in Mobile, AL, we at Hansen Super Techs have the privilege of troubleshooting many plumbing issues during winter for the local residents. Below is a quick overview of these challenges and how to prevent them from happening in your home.
Frozen Pipes Outside the Home
It gets pretty cold in Mobile, AL, and without the proper preventative measures, it is possible to end up with frozen pipes outside the home. Frozen pipes occur when they aren’t winterized appropriately. They easily bring about an instant disaster in the home, especially when they expand and burst. To avoid this, try implementing the following steps:
- Insulate your pipes and water lines
- Clear out any debris and drain water out of pipes that won’t be used throughout the winter
- Adjust your thermostat to 50-55 degrees if you plan on leaving home for vacation or other extended trips
- Shut off the water valve to any pipe that won’t be used during the winter months
If you don’t feel confident about winterizing your plumbing, call a plumber in Mobile, AL, who will be glad to assist you in this process.
Frozen Interior Pipes
There is a network of pipes that go into the home, and that also have the potential to freeze. Frozen pipes lead to great water damage, especially if they burst and go undetected for a period of time. To prevent this from happening, we highly recommend doing the following:
- Keep the faucets dripping – if you checked the weather forecast and it predicts a temperature dip, we recommend keeping the faucets slightly open to keep a small drip going. This will keep the water flowing and prevent the lines from freezing and bursting.
- Insulate pipes – just like we recommended for the exterior pipes, the interior pipes must also be insulated.
- Keep warm air circulating around pipes – warm air from your heater will go a long way to keeping your pipes from freezing. Open up the cabinets overnight or whenever the cold spell is predicted to help keep those pipes warm.
If you notice that you already have a frozen pipe, you will need an emergency plumber in Mobile, AL, to restore it safely.
Clogs in the Kitchen Drain
If you hosted one or two parties at home over the holiday season, your kitchen drain might still feel the brunt. It may be one small food item away from a clog. A clogged kitchen drain makes the sink inoperable and messy. To avoid this issue, we recommend the following tips:
- Clean the disposal on a routine basis. Add this to your weekly kitchen deep clean routine, which will help you avoid those nasty clogs.
- Flush out the disposal after each use by letting cold water run for 15 to 20 seconds.
- Avoid allowing certain foods to go down the drain. The disposal is meant to help accidental foods flush out of the drain. Don’t pour oils, egg shells, chicken bones, veggie peels, or other tough foods into the disposal because you will most certainly get clogged.
Got a clog in the kitchen that you can’t get to clear? Contact a plumber in Mobile, AL, to assist you with this problem.
Water Heater Isn’t Keeping Up
Water heaters get a lot of wear and tear over the winter as they are used more often to keep the home warm. To prevent any issues during the winter with your water heater, we recommend these tips:
- Schedule a routine maintenance check before the start of winter to ensure that your heater is up to par. This is especially important if you’re expecting company over the winter months because the last thing you need is for your guests to be faced with a cold home or shower during their visit.
- Buy a water heater blanket at a local home improvement store to improve the efficiency of your water heater.
Contact a Plumber in Mobile, AL
Do you need help with a plumbing repair? Contact Hansen Super Techs for the best plumbing service in the region at (251) 227-4441.