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How To Prepare Your HVAC For Fall

Apr 26, 2022 | Air Conditioning, HVAC

Fall is a beautiful time of the year. The heat begins to wane a bit and the leaves on trees begin to change color. These changes hold special anticipation for all the fall festivities. But before all that can take place, there’s a bit of work to be done.  

As we approach the fall months, many of us will begin making preparations for the change of seasons. As you go about preparing your yard and fall decorations, there are also things you must do to prepare your HVAC system for fall as well. If you want to enjoy a comfy and cozy fall, we suggest following the advice outlined below.

Clean The Area Around Your Outdoor Unit

When fall comes around, many people take the time to clear out their yards. This is an essential step that will bring your property into shape for the winter months. As you make your way around your yard, make sure to pay special attention to the area around your HVAC. Sweep away any dirt and rake the leaves to prevent them from getting trapped inside the unit. This will probably need to be done several times until the leaves stop falling. 

Change Your Air Filters

Depending on how hot the summer season has been for you, chances are that your AC worked hard for months on end. With prolonged use, air filters get overwhelmed with dust, debris, and other particles that slow down their function and efficiency. The dirtier your air filter is, the less airflow it will release out of the vents. Therefore it is important to check your air filters at the beginning of each season to ensure that your HVAC system works well. Doing so well also maintains the air quality inside your home.

Speaking of air quality, have you ever considered testing the air quality in your home? Click here to learn more about why this is beneficial for your home. 

Check For Air Leaks

Another important step for fall prep is making sure that no air leaks are coming out of ducts or windows. Air leaks make the air conditioning and heating system work harder because they contribute to an inconsistent temperature in the home. 

With time this will lead to increased energy bills and repairs. Any air leaks will need to be sealed with specific materials that will help please keep the outside air out. Though it may be easy to detect some air leaks on your own, sometimes it is best to just call a pro in to help you out. 

Hansen Super Techs offer some of the best heating and repair services in Gulfshore, AL. They will help find and repair all air leaks and prepare you for colder months. 

Replace Batteries In Your Thermostat

Just like a cell’s mitochondria, thermostats are the powerhouse of your HVAC system. If the thermostat is out of order, you won’t have much luck using your HVAC unit. For some reason, things like this happen during the most inconvenient times of the year. For example, the thermostat’s batteries just so happen to die on the coldest day of the season. To avoid this from happening, do the responsible thing and check those batteries at the start of the season. 

Have you considered investing in a smart thermostat for your home? Check out these benefits of having a smart thermostat in your home. No

Schedule A Maintenance Visit

Finally, make sure to schedule a maintenance visit with your local HVAC repair service. A skilled and experienced HVAC tech from Hansen Super Techs will be able to check your unit for repairs and general maintenance needs. This will help you avoid interruptions in the function of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. We offer HVAC repair services in Biloxi, Gulfshore, Mobile, and other surrounding regions. Contact us today to schedule your maintenance visit!