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Heating Maintenance

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As with anything in life, furnaces do not last forever and to get the most out of them, it is important to keep up with regular furnace maintenance. After all, who wants to pay extra for extra repair services and furnace replacements? Either option is expensive, making furnace maintenance an absolute must.

When looking for the best HVAC contractor for your home’s furnace maintenance services, look no further than Hansen Super Techs, the home of Mobile’s top furnace experts. With our superior and thorough maintenance service, you will find your furnace system running reliably and efficiently every time you use it.

Heating Maintenance 

When we perform your maintenance, we have an eye for the details, whether it’s a worn belt, a blower motor, a heat exchanger issue, or strange noises. Here is what you can expect our HVAC contractors to do for you when they arrive at your home for those regular furnace tune ups:

  • Inspection of all furnace components such as the blower motor, burner flames, and assembly of the burners. We will also assess the combustion chamber, gas line & gas supply, power switch, electrical connections, flame sensor, air ducts, pilot light
  • We will make sure that the air filter is clean and change it, if necessary
  • We will have the key elements of the furnace cleaned such as the motors, fans, bearings, and filter, and lubricate them as needed
  • Inspection of the thermostat to ensure that it is calibrated and working properly

Benefits of Investing in a Furnace Maintenance Service

The benefits of regular furnace maintenance services are too great for you to miss out on! As with any regular HVAC service, furnace maintenance will provide the following advantages for you:

  • A longer-lasting heating system
  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Lower energy bills
  • An overall quieter heating system
  • A warmth that keeps you comfortable all winter long!
  • A maintained furnace warranty

After hot, humid summers it’s always hard to believe how cold it can get in Mobile. While your AC is still working hard, that’s a great time to give a thought to reliable winter warmth from furnace maintenance and keeping your heating bills down thanks to a professional heating tune-up.

When Is Furnace Maintenance Needed for My Heating System?

As a rule of thumb, we recommend that homeowners in Mobile, AL, invest in at least an annual furnace maintenance service. However, we know that these types of services and chores tend to get away from most folks because life is continually busy. Thus, we formulated a list of common signs that will help you understand that it is now time for that maintenance service from Hansen Super Techs:

  • Weak air blowing through the air vents
  • High energy bills
  • Strange noises coming from the furnace
  • Poor indoor air quality in the home
  • You haven’t had your furnace inspected in a year or longer
  • Yours is one of the older furnaces on the market (15 years or older)

Remember, it is always more cost-effective to pay a furnace maintenance cost than a high utility bill, furnace repair, or replacement service. At Hansen Super Techs, we are committed to helping you save money.

The Heating System Maintenance Professionals

The same furnace service experts from Hansen Super Techs who repair your Mobile heating system when it breaks down also provide furnace maintenance service to make sure that you avoid trouble in the first place. Our team also provides heating tune-ups for clean, efficient operation through the winter, all backed by our satisfaction guarantee.

Wherever you live in Mobile, such as Orange Grove, Claremont, College Park, and Malibar Heights, our expert technicians can provide furnace maintenance that makes even an older furnace run at its best. When the winter chill sinks in, you rely on your heating system.

Hansen Super Techs: Your Furnace Maintenance Experts

Contact Hansen Super Techs for furnace maintenance and be prepared! Or call to schedule an AC tune-up! We can also help with any other service such as heating repairs or heating replacements!

Get in Touch!

Call (251) 227-4441

Or visit our contact page to submit your request directly to our office.

2609 Cameron St,

Mobile, AL 36607

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License Info

Refrigeration Contractors: License #53505

Master Gas Fitter: License # MG-2057

State of Alabama Certified Employer :

License #  EMP-6321

Master Electrician : License # ELEC 00919

Master Plumber : License # MP-4128

Residential HVAC : License # R21701